#MeToo Vs. Hillary “Abuse is not about age, it is about power”And what if the Girl liked powerful men?

I’ll be short because I feel  a little nauseated talking about rape, #metoo campaign etc. and for once I agree with Hillary Clinton “Monica Lewinsky was an adult all the time” of the relationship with Bill, she was in fact 24 years old, then #MeToo movement was not sated and excommunicated both Hillary and Bill, Monica couldn’t be consensual according to them because “abuse is not about age, it is about power” so let me understand powerful men shouldn’t go in bed with women less rich and powerful than they because since there is an “unbalance of power” ergo it’s abuse.

Remember that in this case Lewinsky stated that Bill Clinton didn’t assault her, it was a sort of psychological abuse of power because he was the President of the USA and she was an intern, so according to this pattern a woman cannot have an affair with a man more powerful than she because it’s automatically abuse of power, there is an unbalance of power and if she likes men richer or more powerful than she? What if? Should she run after poor guys with no money otherwise she’s victim of abuse of power? And all the lovers of JFK? Also Kennedy who allegedly went in bed with many of the female staff, the pretty ones, of the White House did abuse of power?

Confidence is a must, happiness is a plus, edginess is a rush, edges…I like ’em rough …used to sing Britney Spears, but in the leftwing world there’s no seduction, the left wingers do not consider the hypothesis that Monica Lewinsky may want Clinton and may want him because he was the President and because he was more powerful than she and she may like the pattern, she admitted she wasn’t raped at least, she didn’t go after the milkman’s son, the good boy working at a lower level of society, no, she just couldn’t do wrong according to the #metoo movement that deny the very xistence of seduction, “he abused her” the same, anyway.

I give you three videos, one by Britney Spears about hunting rich bachelors and another about I ain’t no money I love you the way I are…

and then the mythical …


I think that if you say to a #meetoo activist that you like a man, she gets offended.